Author Archive

Shipping Prices Are Over the Moon — What’s the Deal?

March 03, 2022
Shipping Prices Are Over the Moon — What's the Deal?

The last couple of years have challenged everyone in unique ways. Recently, shipping issues have affected everyone across the globe, including customers. You may have noticed that shipping prices are higher than usual these days, which can be stressful for hardworking folks. The Wall Street Journal reports that, as of December of 2021, shipping prices […]

Impact Noise vs. Airborne Noise

March 02, 2022
Impact Noise vs Airborne Noise

All sound is a result of waves that cause vibrations that reach the ear or a recording device after traveling through a given medium, but many people who are concerned about acoustics often do not take the time to distinguish between impact noise vs. airborne noise. These are two very different types of noises that […]

The Types of Noise in Communication

February 07, 2022
How Noise Affects Communication

No one wants to ask someone to repeat themselves for the fourth time in a row when chatting in a noisy room or strain to hear a phone call over the background noise on the other end. Noise can have a significant impact on the way we communicate with one another. Whether it’s in an […]

Things to Consider When Picking an Apartment

January 25, 2022
Things to Consider When Renting an Apartment

Apartment shopping can be extremely stressful. You have a list of must-haves and deal-breakers, plus a budget you have to keep to. You also never know when some other prospective renter is going to swoop in and rent that apartment right out from under you. Still, there are some things to consider before renting so you […]

How to Soundproof a Multipurpose Room

January 21, 2022
How to Soundproof a Multipurpose Room

Multipurpose rooms serve numerous roles in your school, church or office building. You can use these rooms for everything from playing an indoor soccer game to holding choir practice or hosting a potluck dinner. Multipurpose rooms hold many people, and they can become pretty loud depending on the activity. Sounds start bouncing off the walls, […]