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Flanking Noise

October 25, 2021
what is flanking noise

Table of Contents: What Is Flanking Noise Flanking Noise Paths Reduce Flanking Noise So you’ve soundproofed the wall leading from your apartment to the apartment next door, but somehow there’s still noise coming from that direction, although you can’t pinpoint exactly where it’s coming from. If this describes your situation, you may be the victim of […]

How Can You Reduce Auditory Sensitivity?

October 15, 2021
How Can You Reduce Auditory Sensitivity?

We’ve all experienced hearing a sudden, loud noise that made us take notice or jump to attention. This happens once in a while for most people. For those with auditory sensitivity, it can be an everyday occurrence. Common noises such as smoothie blenders, the washing machine or traffic noise can seem overwhelming and even painful […]

What Are the Loudest Musical Instruments?

October 01, 2021
Loudest Musical Instruments

People of all ages enjoy listening to the soothing sounds of instruments playing together harmoniously. Many musicians spend hours practicing every day so they can become masters of their art form. There are so many instruments that create beautiful sounds, but many of them can be loud. If you’ve ever noticed the seating arrangement of […]

How to Soundproof Your Food Truck

September 24, 2021
How to Soundproof Your Food Truck

Are you a proud new owner of a food truck? Congratulations! Food trucks offer a fun and unique way to start a restaurant business. However, before you begin serving, there’s one piece of maintenance you need to do — soundproof your food truck generator. Why Do You Need to Soundproof Your Food Truck? Your food truck generator […]

What Are Soundproof Pods?

September 17, 2021
What Are Soundproof Pods

Do you ever need to get away from the noise that surrounds you throughout the day? Finding a place to immerse yourself in silence is tough while at the office, but there is a solution — soundproof pods. With soundproof pods placed throughout an office or building, people can get away from all the noise […]

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