Author Archive

How Do Noise-Cancelling Headphones Work

June 04, 2021
How Do Noise Cancelling Headphones Work

Sometimes, you just want a little peace and quiet. But blocking out noises can be tough. What do you do when you want to enjoy your coffee shop latte without overhearing the loud conversation three tables over? Or when your neighbor’s hired roofers, tree trimmers and landscapers work all weekend, and you’re trying to enjoy […]

Alternates to Earplugs for Sleeping

May 21, 2021
Alternates to Earplugs for Sleeping

It’s happened again. You put in your earplugs before going to bed, only to wake up in the middle of the night and realize one fell out — and the other one feels uncomfortable. How can you possibly get a restful night’s sleep? While earplugs work as noise cancellation solutions now and then, they’re not […]

Tips for Reducing Noise in a Warehouse

May 14, 2021
Tips for Reducing Noise in a Warehouse

Warehouses are homes for utility vehicles, machines and loading docks. Your employees are constantly on the move to meet distribution deadlines, and all that movement can result in noise echoing throughout open spaces. Reducing warehouse noise helps to keep your workers safe from injury — and Soundproof Cow can help. Why It’s Important to Control […]

How to Soundproof a Basketball Court

April 27, 2021
How to Soundproof a Basketball Court

Basketball is a widely loved sport, played by 450 million people across more than 213 countries. If you’ve ever been to a basketball game, then you know how loud the court can get — buzzers, running players, stomping feet and an excited crowd can reach 100 to 120 decibels. Sound travels in energy-filled waves. Whenever a player pivots […]

Do Landlords Need to Soundproof?

April 02, 2021
Do Landlords Need to Soundproof?

Soundproofing is an excellent way to make a living space more comfortable by limiting the amount of noise that enters or escapes a space, but who is responsible for soundproofing rental properties? Are landlords responsible for noisy neighbors? As it turns out, the answer depends on the situation. Soundproofing isn’t a requirement in any building […]