How to Protect Hearing While Operating Trucks
One risk that truck drivers can face is hearing damage due to excessive noise. There are two main sources where excessive noise can originate from — the engine and the road. Typically, some engine noise is to be expected. But sometimes the truck’s engine can be excessively loud. When this happens, you won’t be able […]
Decorative Home Soundproofing Options
If you’ve ever been to a recording studio or radio station, you may have noticed that creating the perfect sound sometimes means focusing on form rather than aesthetics. The walls in many studios are lined with grey fabric panels or plain foam. If the idea of plain or unattractive paneling has kept you from properly […]
6 Tips for Choosing Noise-Canceling Headphones for Your Home Office
Noise-canceling headphones are great for musicians and listeners who want to block outside noise from derailing their sessions, but they are also home office necessities that can be a lifesaver for remote workers. With so many options online, it’s important to understand the ins and outs of the market so you can pick the right […]
Best Music for a Baby Nursery
Every parent wants to find the magic formula for getting their baby to go to sleep and stay asleep long enough to get a good rest. While there may not be a foolproof solution, music can be very effective at calming your baby and helping them drift off. Explore the best music for babies to […]
How to Soundproof a Semi-Truck
More than 3.5 million Americans drive trucks for a living, making it one of the country’s most popular occupations. Many of these drivers are full-time semi-truck operators who live, work and sleep in their rig most of the year. While this is a great way to keep costs low and help you travel with some of the […]