Misophonia: When You Can’t Stand Every Day Noises
Does it fill you with rage when someone talks with their mouth full? Do you want to flee every time your housemate coughs? If certain noises drive you crazy while no one else seems to notice, that doesn’t mean you’re a lousy friend, spouse, coworker or family member. However, it might mean you have misophonia. […]
How Sound Impacts Your Sleep Cycle
Are you getting enough healthy sleep? Is loud noise during sleep getting in the way? Proper rest is an essential part of good health, and it is imperative that you understand the relationship between sleep and sound. Here are some facts that can help you understand how sound impacts your sleep cycle and ideas on […]
The Health Benefits of a Quiet Home
If you’ve ever been sitting in your home trying to block out the sounds of screaming kids, barking dogs, ringing phones or or construction outside, you probably took some time to think about the health benefits of silence. We all want peace and quiet, but are there really health benefits to a quiet home? Indeed, […]
How the Construction of a Theater Impacts Non-Amplified Sound
Acoustics are critically important when building a theater. The entire point of a theater is to allow a large group of people to experience a performance that incorporates sound effectively, and if you do not design your theater properly, your goal could be doomed before it even begins. Reverberation Effects in Buildings Knowing this, what considerations […]
Coachella 2019 and the Power of Music
Have you ever wondered why music makes you feel a certain way? Or why millions of people flock to music festivals and concerts every year? Music has the power to bring people together and make a lasting impact. With Coachella around the corner, thousands will soon be joining a community of individuals who are all […]