Author Archive

Soundproofing for Tinnitus

February 16, 2018
Soundproofing for Tinnitus

One in every ten people experiences some form of tinnitus during their lifetime. Whether this ringing is short-lived or lasts for months on end, tinnitus is a tedious effect millions of individuals suffer from. Luckily, you can reduce the severity of your tinnitus through soundproofing materials that help control the austerity of your sound reception. […]

The Relationship Between Music and Memory

February 02, 2018
how does music help memory

How does music affect memory? We’ve probably all experienced the phenomenon where an old song reminds us of a time in our lives or even evokes a specific memory. Most people may not give this a second thought. It may seem as sensible as having an old toy from your childhood evoke a memory. However, […]

On Trend: All You Need to Know About Sound Therapy

January 30, 2018
Sound Therapy

Sound — we’ve all used it as a form of therapy. Whether it’s to relax after a hectic workday, groove during your morning run or howl out after stubbing your toe, sound has always served as a form of expression. Now, it’s becoming a new phenomenon as people are using the vibration of their voices […]

Soundproofing Solutions for Those With Misophonia

January 19, 2018
soundproofing for misophonia

We all have sounds we find extremely irritating, like nails on a chalkboard or extremely loud chewing. But for sufferers of Misophonia, the problem is much worse. In these individuals, ordinary sounds that other people might find only mildly irritating or not notice at all — like chewing, pen clicking, slurping and the like — […]

What Is Vibration Therapy?

January 15, 2018
What is Vibration Therapy

Vibration therapy uses sound vibrations to treat pain, muscle stiffness and other conditions, as well as help your body heal after an injury, like a broken bone. How does vibration therapy work, and how effective is it? We have the answers to your questions, and much more, below. How Vibration Therapy Works How do vibrations affect your body, […]

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