Author Archive

How Soundproofing Benefits Auditory Learners

August 24, 2017
How Soundproofing Benefits Auditory Learners

People learn in different ways. Some people learn by doing, others learn by seeing and a unique few learn by listening. Teachers may employ different lessons to engage these varied learning styles, but most overlook a simple solution for auditory learners — soundproofing. Here, we’ll outline some basic insight into the different learning styles, as well […]

How to Solve Noise Pollution

August 11, 2017
How to Solve Noise Pollution

People pay attention to other types of pollutions — like the notable effects of air and environmental pollution — but the dangers associated with noise pollution are often overlooked. The effects of noise pollution can be quite harmful, and it’s important to consider ways to reduce these effects. Here, we’ll outline important noise pollution facts, as well as some ideas on how you […]

Aircraft Soundproofing

July 07, 2017
soundproofing for aircrafts

Aircraft soundproofing is probably not something you think a lot about, especially if you’re not a frequent traveler. However, think for a moment about how clogged your ears feel when you leave an airplane. You’ll probably find it takes a few hours for you to be able to hear at the same volume you did […]

The Quietest Room on Earth

June 16, 2017
world's quietest room

We all crave a place that we can go for a little peace and quiet. But how would you like to spend time in the quietest room on earth? Does a “world’s quietest room” even exist? Where is it? And would you really enjoy spending time in the quietest room in the world? Read on! […]

The Loudest Sports Stadiums in the World

May 19, 2017
loudest sports stadiums

If you’ve been to a sports stadium, you know they can get loud. Part of the fun of going to a sporting event is seeing how loud you can get in support of your team. Many stadiums are famous for their loud fans, such as Seattle’s famous “12th Man.” But what are the world’s loudest […]