
How to Soundproof a Mobile Home

May 06, 2022
How to Soundproof a Mobile Home

A mobile home is a practical housing option that’s growing in popularity. If you’ve recently moved into a mobile home or are considering it, you should know that the structures have thinner walls that sound can penetrate easily. Soundproofing can ensure you have enough peace and privacy inside your mobile home. 3 Ways to Soundproof […]

7 White Noise Machines to Reduce Background Noise in Your Office

April 27, 2022
7 White Noise Machines to Reduce Background Noise in Your Office

Everybody can appreciate a little peace and quiet while working, but there is such a thing as being too quiet. A dead-silent office is nice until the slightest sound like rustling papers or a squeaky chair jolts you out of your focused headspace. White noise machines provide a bit of background noise that can fill […]

How to Soundproof Hot Tub Motors

April 22, 2022
How to Soundproof Hot Tub Motors

If you have a hot tub, you know that the motor can cause a racket. Fortunately, there’s hope. Implementing a few careful soundproofing solutions will help you minimize the noise your hot tub makes and reduce the effects of any remaining noise. 3 Ways to Reduce Hot Tub Noise At Soundproof Cow, we know a […]

Tips for Soundproofing a Bedroom

April 13, 2022
Tips for Soundproofing a Bedroom

Your bedroom is your haven. When you come home from a hard day at work, the first place you walk towards is often your bedroom. You kick off your shoes, change into your pajamas, and click on the television to enjoy your favorite sitcom for the night. When you wrap yourself in the warmth of […]

How to Soundproof a Duplex

April 08, 2022
How to Soundproof a Duplex

If you live in a side-by-side duplex, noise is a regular part of life. People on both sides of the unit need to be conscious about the amount of noise they make to avoid causing a disruption. You and your neighbors each have to make some adjustments, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do the […]