
Tips for Flipping a House

April 09, 2020
Tips for Flipping a House

You buy a run-down house, fix it up, sell it and make a ton of profit: Reality TV shows have made DIY house flipping look super easy. As a result, house flipping has become more popular than ever. By the end of 2018, more than 10% of home sales were houses purchased for flipping, the highest percentage […]

What Is an Acoustic Consultant?

March 20, 2020
What is an Acoustic Consultant

Are you designing a building, a room or a recording studio? Are you currently looking to renovate and upgrade one of these? If the answer is yes, you have probably done a lot of planning and may have even brought in some experts. But one resource you may have overlooked is an acoustic consultant. This […]

Principles of Soundproofing

March 06, 2020
Principles of Soundproofing

Quick Links to Soundproofing Principles: Mass Dampening Decoupling Absorption When you think of soundproofing, you likely tend to imagine elaborate, fully-furnished basements or garages loaded with electric guitars and a drum set or expensive, high-tech recording studios. But soundproofing can be helpful in many more common scenarios and in your everyday life. Maybe you live […]

How to Soundproof Your Man Cave

February 21, 2020
How to Soundproof Your Man Cave

Every man deserves a man cave. Shouldn’t you be able to enjoy some alone time without listening to your dog barking at the cars driving by or your son’s stereo blasting that noise he calls “music” from his bedroom? Maybe you want to listen to your music or your TV show without disruption. Or maybe your man cave is your […]

How to Soundproof Your House From Train Noise

February 07, 2020
How to soundproof house from train noise

Getting that terrific rental price on your apartment or steal of a deal on the purchase of your new home seemed like a great idea, even after you found out that you were near the train tracks. After all, trains only come around every once in a while and how bad could train noises be? […]