
The Benefits of Using Caulking for Soundproofing

September 06, 2019
The Benefits of Using Caulking for Soundproofing

Table of Contents: What is Acoustic Caulk Why Get Soundproofing Caulk Acoustic vs Regular Caulk There are many ways to soundproof a room, and the way you choose will be largely dependent upon what kind of room or facility you are trying to soundproof. Soundproof Cow can help you with any type of soundproofing you choose, […]

How to Block out Noise While Sleeping

August 16, 2019
How to Block out Noise While Sleeping

Unwanted sound and loud noise can be a problem for the sleep cycle. Unfortunately, we now live in a society where noise is ever present, especially if we live in an urban environment. How to Sleep With Noise Tips Today, to get healthy sleep, we need to learn how to sleep through noise and how […]

How Noise Affects Your Shopping Experience

July 05, 2019
How Noise Affects Your Shopping Experience

Why do music and shopping go together? If you’re a retailer who occasionally or frequently plays music in your store, you probably already have a good idea how noise affects your shopping experience. The research is clear: Music makes shoppers feel good. Even bad music, as long as it is at a pleasing volume and […]

Misophonia: When You Can’t Stand Every Day Noises

June 21, 2019

Does it fill you with rage when someone talks with their mouth full? Do you want to flee every time your housemate coughs? If certain noises drive you crazy while no one else seems to notice, that doesn’t mean you’re a lousy friend, spouse, coworker or family member. However, it might mean you have misophonia. […]

How Sound Impacts Your Sleep Cycle

June 21, 2019
how sound impacts your sleep cycle

Are you getting enough healthy sleep? Is loud noise during sleep getting in the way? Proper rest is an essential part of good health, and it is imperative that you understand the relationship between sleep and sound. Here are some facts that can help you understand how sound impacts your sleep cycle and ideas on […]

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