Understanding the Various Sound Ratings

When you begin to look for soundproofing materials, it’s essential to understand what type of product you need. You might know that you want to reduce the level of noise and reverberation produced in your room, office or business, but to what degree does this sound need reduction? Sound ratings help you better understand the […]
Echo vs. Reverberation

When you find yourself standing in a long hallway and decide to shout out your name, you might just hear your name repeated back in waves. This return of noise is an example of echo. The sound reflects back to the listener as the frequencies bounce off hard objects such as ceilings and walls. The […]
Does the Type of Glass Used in a Window Impact Sound Reduction?

Windows do more than provide you with a glimpse of the outside world. Choosing the right glass for your windows is essential. From the level of glare you’ll receive throughout the day to the sturdiness and durability of your piece, it’s vital always to know the specs and details of your windowpanes before you purchase […]
What is Sonic Art?

What do the United States, France, Germany and China all have in common? They’re hosts to sound art shows. Sonic art, or the creation of visual art using sound waves and vibrations, is a growing area of interest for artists and viewers. If you’re asking, “What is sound art?” keep reading to learn more about […]
Why Certain Sounds Lull You to Sleep

You’re cozied up in bed, drifting off and it begins to rain. How do you react? If you’re like the rest of the herd, you probably shrug it off. But, if your phone goes off, your reaction is likely the exact opposite. These different responses are the basis of a study completed by a Pennsylvania […]