Creating a Quiet and Cozy Home Library

Being a bookworm calls for a quiet space where you can relax, grab your favorite novel and admire the works you have read. While a public library is nice, there is nothing like having your own home library. Maybe you have multiple family members in your home or a noisy neighbor. Here is how you […]
How Soundproofing Can Improve Animal Shelters

While providing dogs with a permanent home is the best option, many furry friends spend weeks, months or years in a rescue shelter waiting to find their new best friend. Most animal shelters do everything they can to make kennels pleasant, but the rescue shelter environment can be stressful for any dog. Animal shelter noise […]
How to Soundproof a Cubicle

The goal of cubicles is to give all employees their own private office, but anyone who has worked in one knows that is not how it works in practice. If you are working in a cubicle, it can be extremely frustrating. Everyone can hear your phone conversations, and it can be impossible to concentrate on […]
Soundproofing: Then vs. Now

Did you know acoustic science dates back to the ancient Greeks? From amplification to dampening, people have been researching sound manipulation technologies for millennia. This article will take you on a journey through soundproofing history. We will compare the previous gold-standard soundproofing materials to today’s most popular products so you can understand what is best for […]
Why Inexpensive Soundproofing Materials Might Cost You More Long-Term

If you are experiencing sound issues in your home or business, you are probably considering different methods and products to reduce the noise. Depending on the issue, there are several different approaches you can take to manage sound control. Some of the most common strategies include using absorption materials to reduce the sound, diffusion to […]