
If It Sounds Like An Issue…

May 17, 2016
If it sounds like an issue...

While you can’t see sound, you can see the side effects. Frustration, lack of sleep, overly loud conversation to talk over the other noises. Each circumstance comes with its own unique set of obstacles. From playing with wooden spoons on pots and pans, your children soon graduate to the drum set you bought them for […]

Insight Into The New Website

May 03, 2016
Insight into new Soundproof Cow website

Noise is complex. Navigating a soundproofing website shouldn’t be. So the Soundproof Cow team decided it was time to not only provide sound solutions but provide solutions for a user-friendly experience when it comes to visiting or shopping on our website. When it comes to updating or evolving our brand, we don’t do it because […]

Celebrate Earth. Soundproof Green.

April 19, 2016
Earth Day Celebration

  Soundproof Cow is a proudly veteran-owned and operated company based straight in the heartland of South Central Pennsylvania’s agriculture hub. We take our earth and environment seriously. Littering has countless adverse side effects on our society and eco-system. Every proactive step we can take toward cleaning up our homes (even from within our walls, […]

Autism Awareness And Sensory Overload

April 12, 2016
Autism Awareness Blog Header

With the latest DC Comic character release, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, we naturally want to go back and analyze the history of these superheroes. As a company sensitive and attuned to sound, Superman’s heightened sense of hearing struck a chord with us. So we rewound to 2013’s film, Man of Steel, to learn […]

Constructing A New Way to Quiet Your Home

March 17, 2016
constructing a new way to quiet homes

Construction is one of the longest operating industries, dating back to the first huts and even toilets dug. Years and technology have enabled those in the construction and contractor industry to forecast issues that would otherwise cause discomfort, harm and tremendous problems for clients. One such area for concern is sound. While the construction site […]