
Quiet Batt® Is Making A Lot of Noise at the Cow

March 17, 2016
Quiet-Batt® is making a lot of noise at the cow

When it comes to the Cow, innovation is one of its many synonyms. We pride ourselves in providing you with high standards at low costs but even better, DIY functionality. If you haven’t already met it, we’d like to introduce you to one of our most favorable products with character traits just like that: high […]

Beautiful Soundproofing, Where Art & Science Collide

February 03, 2016
artistic soundproofing

You have a commercial space that needs soundproofing. Perhaps it’s your office. Maybe it’s a restaurant or a new storefront where you’re opening up a business. No matter what the purpose of your space is, you know quality acoustics are important. An office or business that has great acoustics just feels like it’s a cut […]


December 02, 2015
Living room scene with blue walls, a couch, coffee table, blanket, and decorations.

I just wanted to let you know that in the end, sealing the air spaces on this door worked just fine and took care of the problem. I really appreciate you taking so much time to share your expertise with me, and in particular recommending I try the simpler solution before investing in more expensive […]


December 02, 2015
Living room scene with blue walls, a couch, coffee table, blanket, and decorations.

Sorry for the belated thank you. The panels look great. Thank for the great business experience.

K. Shackelford, IA

December 02, 2015
Living room scene with blue walls, a couch, coffee table, blanket, and decorations.

I would really like to thank James Baddorf for his great customer service and quick responses to my questions via email and the phone. It was sure nice to deal with a live person and not an automated machine. Keep up the good work and I will write again once it is all in place […]