Archive for Soundproofing 101

How to Soundproof Hot Tub Motors

April 22, 2022
How to Soundproof Hot Tub Motors

If you have a hot tub, you know that the motor can cause a racket. Fortunately, there’s hope. Implementing a few careful soundproofing solutions will help you minimize the noise your hot tub makes and reduce the effects of any remaining noise. 3 Ways to Reduce Hot Tub Noise At Soundproof Cow, we know a […]

How to Soundproof a Wall Behind a TV

March 18, 2022
How to Soundproof a Wall Behind a TV

Living in an apartment complex or with roommates comes with various challenges, especially when shared walls are involved. Sound is bound to permeate from the next room over and vice versa. TVs near walls are prominent culprits. If your neighbor has a TV near or mounted on your shared wall, you may be hearing late-night […]

Soundproofing a Nursery

February 04, 2022
Soundproofing a Nursery

If you’ve got a baby, or you have one on the way, you may have already considered nursery soundproofing. While there’s no way to stop your baby from crying at times, or sleeping and waking at a schedule that’s not convenient to you, nursery sound control can help your baby stay asleep.  It may even […]

Things to Consider When Picking an Apartment

January 25, 2022
Things to Consider When Renting an Apartment

Apartment shopping can be extremely stressful. You have a list of must-haves and deal-breakers, plus a budget you have to keep to. You also never know when some other prospective renter is going to swoop in and rent that apartment right out from under you. Still, there are some things to consider before renting so you […]

Inexpensive Ways to Reduce Noise in Your Dorm

January 06, 2022
Ways to Reduce Noise in Your Dorm

When it comes to college, there’s a time to study and a time to party. Unfortunately, your fellow students may be doing one while you need to be doing the other. You can’t request a soundproof dorm, but dorm soundproofing is something you may sorely need on those nights where you have a big test […]

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