What Are Good Ways to Divide a Room?

What are good ways to divide a room
September 20, 2019

The great thing about a studio apartment is that it’s a simple living space that is usually inexpensive. The not-so-great thing is that it’s only one room. For some people, this may be all right — but if you have a roommate, or if you like a little separation between your bedroom and living room, workspace or dining area, you need to know how to divide a room.

How to Divide a Room

Fortunately, there are a number of good ways to divide a room in a studio apartment relatively inexpensively. What you choose as a studio room divider depends on your goals for dividing the apartment. Here are some creative ways to divide a room in your studio apartment:

  • Curtains: Sure, you normally think of curtains as an item that keeps people from the outside looking in, but they can be very effective as room dividers as well. Mount a curtain rod and hang your favorite curtains from it for a fashionable room divider that you can change out whenever you’re in the mood for a new pattern.
  • Bookshelf: One of the great things about bookshelves is that they are natural room dividers. You can choose a bookshelf that’s open on both sides so you can access the books (or whatever else you keep on your bookshelves) from either of your new “rooms,” or you can choose a closed bookshelf and decorate the closed side with posters, wallpaper or whatever seems appropriate.
  • Projector Screen: This is a fun solution to the divider problem that, like the bookshelf, is functional as well as an effective divider. Set up a floor-to-ceiling projector screen and your living room becomes a home theater while your bedroom feels like its own cozy space.
  • Acoustic Partitions: The problem with the above solutions is that if you’re dividing the room because two people are living in it, they may not provide the level of privacy you’re hoping for. Sure, you can’t see what’s going on over on the other side, but you can hear it. This is especially problematic if, for example, somebody is trying to sleep on one side while somebody else is trying to watch TV or listen to music on the other.4 Ways to Divide a Room

Udderly Quiet® Acoustic Partitions from Soundproof Cow can solve this problem handily. Just set up one or two of these easily movable partitions wherever you want to divide the room, and not only will they wall-off the area you need, but they will also block and absorb unwanted noise. While they can’t create an entirely soundproof environment due to the area around them, they can make your surroundings much more peaceful and ensure that far fewer harsh noises disturb you.

Udderly Quiet® Acoustic Partitions are made mostly from recycled materials, they come in a variety of fabric options, and they’re affordable and easy to work with. To find out about acquiring Udderly Quiet® Acoustic Partitions for your studio, call Soundproof Cow at 1-866-949-9269 today.

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About Kellen Beaver

Soundproof Cow Representative Kellen

Kellen has been a member of the sales team for over a decade. Prior to delving into the soundproofing realm, he was a jack of all trades in the service industry, working both front and back of the house jobs to various degrees. This diversity in experience makes it easy to relate to the needs of a large customer base. He understands noisy environments as well as the importance of aesthetics in a space. Adding something that doesn’t fit the look can be intrusive, so knowing that acoustical needs must fit the interior design is something he’s become very well-versed in. Most of this planning comes from working with both the owner/operators as well as their design team and architects. He has been able to adapt his knowledge in the restaurant industry into projects involving schools, office buildings and large medical facilities when the situation calls for it.