Our Quiet Batt® Soundproofing Insulation is the perfect soundproofing barrier to block unwanted sounds in a home, studio, office or many other areas. Whether you use it on an interior or exterior wall, this soundproofing material will prevent sound from transferring while also minimizing thermal energy transmission, making your space feel cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. This premium, high-performance product is made up of 80% recycled cotton fibers, and the tight friction fit helps to dampen both airborne and impact sounds in any space.
But how do you install it? Can you just put a staple in it? Is it safe to handle? Is there a preferred installation method? You may balk at the idea of installing soundproof insulation without professional help, but one of the benefits of Soundproof Cow soundproofing insulation is that installation is quite simple.
Installing Acoustic Insulation
There are a number of methods for how to install soundproof insulation from Soundproof Cow, including the use of Soundproofing Adhesive, but we recommend our own Quiet Batt® Insulation Supports. These supports provide an extremely simple way to setup your soundproof insulation between stud wall assemblies and floor joints. If you are looking for a fast, inexpensive way of installing your soundproofing insulation you can do yourself, this is it.
How Insulation Supports Work
To use these insulation supports, which come in 24-inch or 16-inch sizes depending on your needs, is very simple. They provide a friction fit between 24 or 16 inches on center floor joists or studs, so all you have to do is snap them into place and push in the soundproofing insulation.
We sell our Insulation Supports 100 to a case. Order yours now, for fast shipping and reciept.
How to Install Your New Soundproof Insulation Quickly and Easily
Whether you use it alone or with other soundproofing materials, our Quiet Batt® is quick and easy to install. You can DIY this project from start to finish — using just a tape measure, utility or bread knife, straight edge and marker. If you are installing it on an external wall, you’ll also want to use a vapor barrier.
To start experiencing a quieter home, office or commercial space, just follow our general tips. Be sure to let us know if you have questions at any point during the sound insulation installation process.
Sound Insulation Installation Steps
1. To get started, you want to first cut your Quiet Batt® soundproofing insulation. Use your tape measure, straight edge and marker to carefully measure and clearly mark out the appropriate size that you need.
2. Once you’ve determined and marked out the size, you can start cutting with your utility knife. Because the material is so thick, it most likely will require multiple passes before cutting through all the way. To help make this job easier, you can periodically sharpen your knife. You might also want to try compressing the insulation material along the marked line before you start cutting.
3. If you have a bread knife, you can use it to saw through the cotton. Because it saws through the insulation rather than cutting it, you might find that this method is easier and faster. Once it’s cut, you’ll be able to either press it into the joist bay or stud on your framed wall or ceiling.
Installation supports can help hold the material up and in place if you need extra support inside the joist bay on overhead applications.
For drop ceilings, you’ll have to remove a few ceiling tiles before installation. Just roll out some of the insulation on the tile, covering the entire surface while cutting around any return vents to allow airflow. Cover the entire top of the ceiling, then replace the tiles once you are finished.
Can You Touch Insulation With Bare Hands?
You may have heard about some of the dangers and risks of using other types of insulation.
One of the great things about our Quiet Batt® Soundproofing Insulation, though, is that it is made from up to 80% recycled cotton, which means it is extremely safe for you to handle without gloves. You are free to grab it and push it in with your bare hands without worrying about any itching, redness or other ill effects on your skin like you would with other types of insulation materials. It is eco-friendly and doesn’t contain any harmful chemicals, which overall makes it a very safe, effective soundproofing solution.
Learn More About Soundproofing Insulation and Installation Methods With Soundproof Cow
We think that in most cases, our Quiet Batt® Insulation Supports will prove to be the best way to install your Quiet Batt® Soundproofing Insulation, but if you’re not sure, please feel free to get in touch and ask us. We love to talk to our customers and help them figure out the best ways to use our products.
If you want to discuss how our Insulation Supports work, what the other installation options you might want to consider could be, or even if you want us to walk you through the installation process, we’re more than happy to help.
We strive for 100% satisfaction from the beginning of your soundproofing project until the end. You can be confident that when you partner with Soundproof Cow, you’ll receive the highest quality materials, personal and prompt customer service and a tailored solutions-based approach to all your needs.
To get started, give us a call at 866-949-9269 or fill out our contact form to place your order or learn more.