The goal of cubicles is to give all employees their own private office, but anyone who has worked in one knows that is not how it works in practice. If you are working in a cubicle, it can be extremely frustrating. Everyone can hear your phone conversations, and it can be impossible to concentrate on your work with background noise from co-workers. However, it is not just your co-workers who are responsible for office noise. There are several other factors that amplify office noise.
What Causes Cubicle Noise?
Cubicle walls are thin and open on the top, they are open on at least one side, which means sound can escape and enter. There are also many hard elements in an office, such as the cubicle itself, giving sound waves the opportunity to bounce off of them and echo, further compounding the noise problem.
But given the dimensions of a cubicle, how can you possibly soundproof it?
How to Soundproof an Office Cubicle
While you may not be able to create a peaceful cocoon out of your cubicle, there are effective soundproofing tactics you can try. Here are noise reduction techniques you can use to help make a better acoustic experience. Most of them are “udderly” simple!
1. Add White Noise to Office Cubicles
The purpose of a white noise machine is to cover existing sound with a range of pleasing frequencies to mask that noise. Even if unwanted sound gets in or out, you will not hear it — at least, not as intensely.
2. Increase Cubicle Height
Another trick, if you can get away with it, is to increase the height of your cubicle and perhaps even make a ceiling. The harder sound has to work to get into your cubicle, the better your sound control will be. There are many different partitions available, made out of materials ranging from fabrics to insulated glass, that can serve as an effective sound barrier for office cubicles.
3. Soundproof Each Cubicle With Acoustic Panels
Putting up acoustic panels can help you improve the sound in your cubicle. These are very easy to install and do an excellent job of capturing and dampening sound. You will experience fewer harsh noises and can enjoy more clear communication and fewer noise distractions inside your cubicle.
Acoustic paneling from Soundproof Cow is designed to absorb harsh noises and reduce reverberation, effectively quieting the sound in your immediate environment. Our fabric-wrapped panels also look great, so they are an ideal way to decorate your cubicle while controlling the sound. We even have art acoustic panels that allow you to decorate your soundproofing panels with your favorite artwork.
4. Hang Sound Blankets
An easy way to reduce unwanted noise in office cubicles is with the help of soundproof blankets and temporary barriers. Use sound barriers for office cubicles to block out noise from outside and inside the office. Cover windows, doors or even the wall you share with your noisy cubicle neighbor. Sound blankets provide an extra buffer to absorb sound, and you can take them down when the office gets quiet again.
5. Install Soundproofing Partitions
During the workday, the “steaks” are high, so it is natural for some areas of the office to be noisier than others. In these cases, it could be helpful to block off those louder sections from the quieter cubicles. To do this, install a soundproofing partition as a room divider. With soundproofing partitions, which come in shorter lengths or even floor-to-ceiling heights, you can set up a makeshift “wall” to contain sound when you need to. That way, employees needing a quiet work environment at their desks can avoid the noise made by workers engaging in video calls, phone calls or face-to-face meetings.
6. Add Hanging Baffles to Your Office Space
Ringing phones, keyboard clacking, casual conversations — these and other office noises may make little noise on their own, but together, they add up to quite the ruckus, making it necessary to incorporate some cubicle sound-dampening solutions. This is especially true in offices with high ceilings where the sound can reverberate. Install sound-absorbing hanging baffles to stop these rogue soundwaves in their tracks and cut down on the noise that can build up in your office.
7. Fill up the Space
Use the space in your cubicle to your advantage to absorb some unwanted noise. Lay down a rug, get a few plants, or a new plush office chair. Adding some paintings, especially if they are art acoustic panels, can reduce how much sound travels throughout your cubicle and into the office. Filling your cubicle with soft items will help reduce the sound reflectivity of surfaces.
8. Increase the Distance Between Occupied Cubicles
One smart way to keep the volume down in cubicles is to space them out. This spacing will allow people to do their work without thinking about the person in the cubicle only a few feet away from them. If your office has a hybrid model of working from home and going to the office, have every other cubicle assigned to scheduled in-office staff to naturally put space between occupied cubicles.
9. Create a Call Room
Another way to limit noise in your office is to dedicate a specific room for calls. Anyone who has a video or phone call can use that room so the employees doing quiet work can do so in peace. This space also provides an element of privacy for the person doing the call.
10. Use Noise-Canceling Headphones
Sometimes, office workers can take soundproofing into their own hands — or ears. Using earplugs or noise-canceling headphones is a great way to reduce the sound one hears throughout the workday. Plus, they allow people to listen to their favorite music without disrupting the concentration and peace of the people around them. Consider noise-canceling headphones to block sound while being mindful of your neighbor’s experience.
11. Fill in Cubicle Panels
Some cubicle panels are made with a perforated design. When panels are perforated, sound can easily enter and exit the space. From the clacking of a co-worker’s keyboard to the hum of a nearby printer, these panels will not do much to block unwanted sounds in the office. Filling in any holes or cavities behind the perforations with an absorbent material will help create a quieter space.
12. Install Acoustic Ceiling Panels
Acoustic ceiling panels, which can be made out of materials like wood, can help absorb sounds in your office. If your office has high ceilings, sounds can more easily bounce around and become distracting. Mounting acoustic ceiling panels helps dampen sounds and limit the echo of sound waves, which makes them especially beneficial in offices with lots of cubicles.
13. Use Area Rugs or Install Carpeting
One of the simplest ways to soundproof a cubicle is to add a few area rugs. If your office has hardwood or tile floors, sounds will bounce around more easily. Covering some of these surfaces with absorbent area rugs will help cut down on noise. For offices with a lot of hard flooring, you may even consider reflooring the space with a high-traffic carpet instead.
14. Switch up Your Cubicle Layout
Depending on how your cubicles are laid out, you can maximize or minimize your office’s soundproofing capabilities. Make sure to leave sufficient space between cubicles. This helps increase privacy and minimize talking and distractions while giving sounds a less direct path to travel.
Learn More Tips to Soundproof Cubicles From Soundproof Cow
You probably never imagined you could reduce unwanted noise in a cubicle. Luckily, you can! No matter where or how noise enters cubicles, you or your employees do not have to deal with all those distracting sounds while working. Unwanted noise can keep team members from staying focused and productive, which negatively impacts workflow.
Enter Soundproof Cow. Our goal is to bring noise control and clear, crisp sound to every possible situation, from an auditorium to a cubicle. We have tons of soundproofing and sound absorption products that will keep your office peaceful and quiet — just the way you want it. With the help of our Acoustic Experts, you can create a workspace that fits your unique style.
No matter your needs or goals, our team is here to make soundproofing simple and help you make the right MOOve toward creating a quieter office space. To learn more about our acoustic panels or other soundproofing products, drop us a line today!