Living room scene with blue walls, a couch, coffee table, blanket, and decorations.

Privacy Statement

Privacy Statement

Information Collection and Use is the sole owner of information collected on the website or by phone. We will not sell, share, or rent this information to any third parties, except as outlined in this policy. We collect information from our customers to process orders and better serve you with beneficial information, such as order confirmations, order status updates and to provide you with information on products or services that are available from us. We may also use such information to better understand the shopping experiences of you individually or in conjunction with a group of customers. Information collected includes your name, shipping address, billing address, telephone numbers, email address, and payment information such as your credit card number. may request personal information when you contact us with a question or concern. will provide individually-identifiable information about consumers to third parties only if we are compelled to do so by order of a duly-empowered governmental authority, we have express permission of the customer, or it is necessary to process transaction and provide our services.

For certain services and order processing, has agreements with select third party business partners in order to provide our customers with additional services that we otherwise do not offer. We collect certain information from you to send to the third party. Such services include shipping from off-site locations. uses the personal information you provide for purposes including, but not limited to:
· Fulfilling requests for products, services or information
· Tracking and confirming online orders
· Delivering products
· Suggesting other products that pertain to a customer’s wants/needs
· Performing other business activities as needed

Registration Process
During registration you will be required to provide your contact information, which includes your name, email address, telephone number and street address. This information is used to provide you with important services such as automated order status updates via email. For offline orders placed with our Customer Contact Center, said information will be collected via phone.

Order Process
During the order process, you will have to provide financial information such as your credit card number, expiration date, money order, wire transfer or check information. This information is used for billing purposes and to fulfill your order. If we have trouble processing an order, we will use this contact information to get in touch with you. To properly process your credit card information, we must share your personal and financial information with the merchant bank for authorization and approval. This process is protected by an enhanced security system. We do not share your personal and financial information with any third parties except those outlined in this policy.

Be aware that when you volunteer information in the course of your participation in our community features such as forums, user opinions and review, chat rooms, photo sharing or other forms of public communication and interaction, you are also agreeing to allow certain aspects of your personally identifiable information to be made public. This includes your screen name, any address or personal information or images you provide, or otherwise post to the public and any content of any such post.

All testimonials submitted are under the exclusive ownership of Testimonials are reviewed to ensure accurate and positive testimonials. Published testimonials are genuine, but reserves the right to edit or alter such to remove personal information, statements that may be a violation of law, or statements that may infringe on the rights of or third parties. reserves the right to post or remove any testimonial at its discretion.

By submitting your comment(s) or testimonial(s) on our website, you give us permission to reprint or use the testimonial in connection with our business (including but not limited to the marketing and selling of various products, as well as the marketing of You are also agreeing to the following: (1) The reprint or use of the testimonial will be at our discretion and without compensation to you; (2) We may use the testimonial with or without any pseudo (pen) name credit; (3) Our right to use the testimonial is perpetual and may be assigned by us; (4) We may use the testimonial locally, nationally or globally and such use may be made in any media, information or communication platform (including Internet advertising) currently in use or later developed; (5) You and not someone else composed the testimonial; (6) may allow any of its divisions or affiliates to use the testimonials in the same manner as set forth herein but in relation to their businesses and websites; and (7) We may edit or alter such testimonial to remove personal information, statements that may be a violation of law, or statements that may infringe on the rights of or third parties.

Other than your pseudo (pen) name and personally unidentifiable location information (city, state, and/or country), which we may or may not use, your street address and contact information will not be disclosed in connection with our reprint or use of your testimonial. cannot publish a testimonial paraphrased from a phone conversation. Customers wishing to communicate a testimonial to over the phone may be asked to submit the testimonial in written form.

Security trains all of its employees about the importance of privacy. We grant access to individually-identifiable customer information only to those employees who require it to perform their job duties.

All online communications between and Customer are secure and protected by SSL certificates. All communications are encrypted with 256-bit encryption and server access is restricted. Personally identifiable information such as your credit card number is protected on our secure server. Web servers and database servers are housed and maintained in secure locations. Only personnel with proper security clearance have access to these restricted areas.

Cookies may use cookies for site tracking purposes.

IP Addresses
We use IP addresses to analyze trends, administer the site, track user movement, and gather broad demographic information for aggregate use. We do not link IP addresses to personally identifiable information, and we do not distribute or share IP information with any third parties.

Children does not knowingly sell to or collect information from children under the age of 13. Our website and products are intended for use by adults. is committed to protecting the welfare and privacy of children.

Email This Page
If you choose to use our referral service to tell a friend about our site, we will ask you for your friend’s name and email address. We will automatically send your friend a one-time email inviting him or her to visit the site. does not store this information and only uses this information for the sole purpose of sending this one-time email.

This website contains links to other sites. Please be aware that is not responsible for the privacy practice of such other sites. We encourage users to be aware when they leave our site and to read the privacy statements of each and every website that collects personally identifiable information. This privacy statement applies only to information collected by this website.

Notification of Changes
If we decide to change our Privacy Policy, we will post those changes to this privacy statement on the corporate site, All other division websites providing the Privacy Policy will have the most up-to-date version of the Policy. Division websites will not post specific changes to the Policy the Customer is expected to make themselves aware of the specific changes before purchase and use of our website.

Last Update
The Privacy Policy contained herein became officially effective 1-1-2009 and was last modified 10-18-2011.

I just wanted to send a quick thank you for your rapid response and helpfulness. I very much appreciated it. You have been responsive in every way all through the process. It has been a pleasure doing business with you and your company.

- T. Alexander