Customer Reviews

Foam Composites

  • quiet_barrier_class_a_composite_corner_sm-01

    Quiet Barrier® Class A Specialty Composite

    $245.99Shop Now
  • Soundproofing_ QBHD_Composite_Install

    Quiet Barrier® HD Soundproofing Composite

    $349.99Shop Now
  • composite install

    Quiet Barrier® HD Soundproofing Composite (w/PSA)

    $434.99Shop Now
  • MOOla Saver Soundproofing_QBLD_Composite_close_up_175-01

    Quiet Barrier® LD Soundproofing Composite

    $229.99Shop Now
  • Soundproofing_QBLD_Composite_close_up_175

    Quiet Barrier® LD Soundproofing Composite (w/PSA)

    $279.99Shop Now
  • Soundproofing_QBMD_Composite_close_up_175

    Quiet Barrier® MD Soundproofing Composite

    $265.99Shop Now
  • Soundproofing_QBMD_Composite_close_up_175-01

    Quiet Barrier® MD Soundproofing Composite (w/PSA)

    $325.99Shop Now
  • Top MOOver! Sale! 4 layer Quiet Barrier™ Specialty Composite made with reinforced polyester and acoustic foam

    Quiet Barrier® Specialty Composite

    Original price was: $175.99.Current price is: $165.99.Shop Now
  • Top MOOver! Sale! Quiet_Barrier_Specialty_Composite_Close_Up_175-01

    Quiet Barrier® Specialty Composite w/PSA

    Original price was: $209.99.Current price is: $199.99.Shop Now
  • Top MOOver! Pipe Soundproofing

    Quiet Wrap™ Pipe Soundproofing Wrap

    $32.25$516.00Shop Now
  • MOOla Saver Pipe Soundproofing Wrap - Quiet Wrap LD

    Quiet Wrap™ LD Pipe Soundproofing Wrap

    $15.75$236.25Shop Now

What Are Foam Composites?

Foam composite soundproof barriers are soundproofing products that contain at least one layer of Quiet Barrier® soundproofing membrane and one layer of acoustic-grade polyurethane foam. The combination of materials offers maximum sound control, with the Quiet Barrier® membrane serving as a high-powered noise blocker and the foam separating the barrier from the wall, preventing impact noise and enhancing the soundproofing abilities of the barrier.

Where Can You Use Soundproof Foam Composite Barriers?

Anywhere that you need sound-blocking power that will accommodate insulating foam is suitable for foam composite barriers. You can use foam barriers in a variety of rooms and buildings, including:

  • A music studio to prevent outside noise interfering with your recordings
  • An office to prevent crosstalk, phone calls and other office sounds from distracting workers
  • A firing range to block gunshot sounds
  • A warehouse to deaden the sounds of heavy machinery in operation
  • A spectrum child’s room to reduce stimulation

Foam Composite Soundproof Barrier Options

Soundproof Cow offers many options when it comes to foam sound barriers. You can order our standard Quiet Barrier® LD Soundproofing Composite with 1/16” of barrier and 1/2” of foam, the Quiet Barrier® MD Soundproofing Composite with 1/8” of barrier and 1” of foam or the Quiet Barrier® HD Soundproofing Composite with ¼” of barrier and 1” of foam.

Free Acoustic Analysis

The LDMD and HD are also all available with peel-and-stick-application for easy installation. For even more sound-blocking power, try one of our four-layer specialty composites, including the Quiet Barrier® Specialty Composite with optional PSA for easy installation and the Quiet Barrier® Class A Specialty Composite with PSA.

Finally, if you need to quiet those loud water pipes, try Quiet Wrap™ Pipe Soundproofing Wrap or Quiet Wrap™ LD Pipe Soundproofing Wrap. With all of these options, there’s sure to be a foam composite soundproofing solution that’s just right for your purposes, so choose your best option and order yours now!

I have emailed a lot of different manufactures and I have to say your customer service is head and shoulders above all of them. I emailed your company at about 9pm my time and when I woke up the next morning you had already answered my question and then the follow up was a few hours later. I am impressed. Thanks a lot for the quick turn around!

- E. Gustafson