There’s a lot to think about when running an indoor swimming pool facility. You need to keep the facility clean, you need to care for the pool itself and the water inside and you need to make sure the facility is safe for visitors — especially children.
But one thing people may neglect when caring for an indoor swimming pool facility, however, is the issue of sound control.
Why Is Natatorium Sound Control So Important?
A natatorium, or indoor pool facility, can be a great place for a variety of reasons. It can be a place where local kids can go to swim safely and a place to get swimming lessons, diving lessons, lifeguard training and even water birthing classes.
However, sound control for natatoriums is a constant problem. Indoor pool sound absorption is notoriously poor, because natatoriums are mostly hard surfaces, like tile or block, so any sound created has nowhere to go. Sound from water pumps, splashing water and shouting children bounce around and intermingle, creating a very unpleasant and noisy effect.
If you manage a natatorium, you’ll want to address this natatorium sound absorption problem. Not addressing the issue of indoor pool sound control means your visitors will have to deal with that eerie echoing effect, as well as poor acoustics, which can make it difficult to communicate — not to mention the unpleasant water pump sounds.
Fortunately, there are some very effective ways to improve sound absorption for natatoriums, making your indoor pool a place to relax, have fun and learn, rather than a stressful place where visitors need to deal with all sorts of competing sounds.
How to Improve Sound Absorption for Indoor Pools
One of the best ways to improve sound absorption for natatoriums is through the use of sound-absorbing baffles and acoustic paneling. Sound-absorbing baffles can be suspended from the ceiling of your indoor pool facility. They’re completely unobtrusive, and your visitors will probably not even be aware that they exist.
However, they’re likely to notice the difference in sound quality, as the sound-absorbing materials in these baffles will deaden harsh sounds, thereby reducing echoes and ambient noise.
To further improve the sound control of your indoor pool facility, consider adding acoustic panels to the walls as well. These panels work in a similar fashion to the baffles, by giving sound a much more forgiving surface and absorbing, rather than reflecting, the various sounds your natatorium generates.
Like the baffles, you can easily install these acoustic panels and they can be custom-designed to fit right in with your facilities’ regular appearance. If visitors do notice your acoustic panels, they will probably think of them as merely a decorative improvement to the property.
The right sound control products can make a huge difference in your indoor pool facility. Better sound control can lead to higher guest satisfaction and better communication, which can be critical for endeavors like lifeguard training or swimming lessons. You can start by installing a few sound control solutions and then increase your investment if you like the effect.
Learn More About Natatorium Sound Control
For a free acoustic analysis of your indoor pool facility, or to look at some of the product sound control solutions mentioned here, contact Soundproof Cow — the experts on sound control for indoor pools, restaurants, homes and many other locations — today!