Soundproof a restaurant, office or other space.
There’s a time and a place for echo. Like, when you climb to the summit of Mount Everest – not when you’re trying to order a bowl of clam chowder, lead a worship service, or follow a dance instructor’s lead (pick it up from where?). For that reason – and because we know every scenario is different – Soundproof Cow has crafted 39 room-soundproofing guides to help you identify your problem space, what’s causing all the noise, and which soundproofing materials are a good fit for your project.
These guides are intended to aid people of all skill levels, and projects of all sizes – from designers soundproofing a restaurant with art acoustic panels to dog kennel owners and manufacturing facility workers who are ready to replace entire walls to restore some (moderate) peace in their lives.
To get started, simply select the scenario below that describes your space. We’ve done our best to cover all the bases, from why you need soundproofing to the difference between soundproofing and sound absorption.
Of course, if you find yourself wondering about something we left out, please feel free to call us at 1-866-949-9269.
Soundproof Other Spaces

I have emailed a lot of different manufactures and I have to say your customer service is head and shoulders above all of them. I emailed your company at about 9pm my time and when I woke up the next morning you had already answered my question and then the follow up was a few hours later. I am impressed. Thanks a lot for the quick turn around!
- E. Gustafson