Why Do You Need Equipment Room Soundproofing
- If you work with a variety of machines or products in your business that require quality testing, you probably have a room dedicated to equipment testing in your facility. The problem that may arise is that machines designed for testing can be extremely loud. If your equipment testing room is adjacent to other work areas in your facility, as is often the case, lack of an effective solution for equipment room sound reduction can be a serious issue. Often, the room chosen for equipment testing is selected out of necessity — like a spare room or one that has fallen out of use — which means it is rarely the case that strong equipment room noise control measures are already in place. As a result, what sometimes happens is that when the equipment testing room is in use, the productivity of the rest of the office slows down or even grinds to a halt as employees wait for the sound to die down. Naturally, this type of productivity loss should be unacceptable, as should the effect the noise has on your employees. Fortunately, you can take advantage of a simple and affordable solution to this problem. That solution is equipment room soundproofing from Soundproof Cow. Soundproofing may sound like an overwhelming, expensive process, but nothing could be further from the truth. Soundproof Cow makes equipment room soundproofing easy. We have a variety of soundproofing solutions that are highly effective at blocking or absorbing sound, which means you’re free to test as much equipment as you need to without worrying about having a negative effect on other employees.
What Can Equipment Soundproofing Do For You?
- Fortunately, equipment room soundproofing: • Prevents a loss of productivity due to employees waiting for equipment room testing sound to die down • Dampens the harsh sounds of equipment testing for those both inside and outside the testing area • Keeps your workplace quieter, allowing employees to focus better and potentially improving morale
How to Soundproof an Equipment
- Even if you’ve never soundproofed a room of any kind before, the process is quick and easy with Soundproof Cow products. For your equipment testing room, you will want to look at options like our Quiet™ Barrier HD Soundproofing Composite, which layers soundproofing insulation and vibration dampening foam for multiple layers of noise control. Or you may want the ISOTRAX® Soundproofing System, a complete soundproofing solution that easily combines various soundproofing solutions for total sound protection. These and other products in the Soundproof Cow catalog install simply and work great. Our products are mostly made of safe, environmentally friendly recycled cotton, so you can handle it with your hands, cut it to your specifications and easily put it into place. With self-stick adhesive, insulating supports or premium adhesive options, these soundproofing materials practically install themselves. Don’t let the harsh, loud sounds of your equipment testing set your company back or drive your employees crazy a moment longer. Contact us today for a free acoustic analysis of your equipment room needs.

Equipment Room Soundproofing Products
Equipment Room Sound Absorption Products
Soundproof Other Spaces

I just wanted to let you know that in the end, sealing the air spaces on this door worked just fine and took care of the problem.
I really appreciate you taking so much time to share your expertise with me, and in particular recommending I try the simpler solution before investing in more expensive noise barriers. That is a big credit to you and your business.
- Mike