Thanks for your immediate email response and your very careful, considered advice on the phone this morning. I was quite impressed with your patient, highly professional manner of assisting me on the phone. Your contact does great service to the Soundproof Cow company. You stood head and shoulders above the guy at your competition whom I dealt with before.
Thanks very much for your valuable time.
- Chris Hovick,
Tiffany, I know it has been a long time since we last talked, however, last week we finally got the carpet installed over your impact barrier and it is just great! Even before the carpet went in it made a real difference downstairs. My wife could not tell if I was upstairs working or not because your barriers made it so quiet she could not hear me working even with the radio on. Thank you for all of your help. If anyone asks you for a reference on how the barriers work on a second story plywood floor I would be happy to tell them how great they work.
- Joe Greeno,
Although the materials I purchased were not right for my project, when I went to return them I got the same friendly customer service from your accounting department. I would not hesitate to use your company for future projects based on the outstanding treatment I received with this one.
- Name withheld, NY
As for the soundproofing, the Echo Absorber™ Hanging Baffles worked really well in our office.
- B Eisenberg, Future Now Inc., NY
I really wanted to thank you for all of your support and help while we considered and then ordered your product. We have finished installing our panels in our room over the past weekend and are now enjoying having our preschool classes in our “new” space. One of our preschoolers, who generally doesn’t say a whole lot but rather takes it all in, came in and stood turning in a circle taking in the whole room. He looks up at us and says “WOW! I can’t believe my eyes! It’s so bootiful!” And we have to agree, it is beautiful.
I wanted you to know that I am personally recommending you, and your company to people. When they ask about the panels I tell them all about you, the great customer service we received and how easy your instructions were to follow. I feel that you respected me as a person, but you also respected the process that I had to go through to get approval. You answered my seemingly unending questions and did the best you could to accommodate me. I tell everyone about how you called me within 5 minutes of my email to clarify my inquiry to you. THAT, to me, says something about your commitment to excellence, and it is very appreciated. Your product sample and your customer service before we ordered was what kept me pushing to order from your company. I will tell you that your sample was the key to getting them to order from you, and it sat out to show the church members, and preschool families what we were getting and fundraising for.
Attached is just a picture of a small section of our classroom with some of our preschoolers, as well as some of the process. We wanted to say thank you and we didn’t know how except to show you a picture of how happy we are. Thank you again for everything. We hope you enjoy the pictures.
God’s Blessings to You!
- B. Cook, IA
I received the Echo Absorber™ Acoustic Panels this afternoon and already installed them in one of the HVAC closets. I’m not even half way finished and it’s already more than 75% quieter. Thanks for recommending the product. Also, I’m glad we went with the 1 inch… had we done the 2 inch it would not have fit very well. Thanks very much.
- B. Orter, MA
I wanted to let you know that I took your suggestion, placed and received the order last week. This weekend I installed the material Echo Absorber™ Acoustic Panels and you can’t believe the difference. Thank you so much for your fantastic product, speedy answer and excellent customer service. We can barely hear the noise now and it’s so nice to be able to hear each other talk without that noise in the background. I hope all the testimonials read by potential customers help your company to prosper. You don’t always know who you are dealing with on the Internet but you are an outstanding organization. I read the testimonials before I ordered so I think they are important….especially when you don’t know what you are doing! Sincerely, a very satisfied customer.
- E. Dine, FL
Many thanks to your outstanding customer service, regarding my recent purchase of Soft Sound® Acoustic Panels. The installation was easy and I would not hesitate to recommend your company.
- R. De Abreo, Tyco Electronics, Ontario
The product was beautiful. The Soft Sound® Acoustic Panels were perfect. The craftsmanship of the panels matched the service of the people. The install was seamless, perfect and no problems. After three of the panels had gone up on the 16? ceiling, I walked in and spoke. I could hear the difference, already. At the completion of the tile installation, the theatre was perfect. The sound was perfect. The balance of the sound for the space was obviously perfect and I knew it! Of course, there have been follow-up phone calls from Jason, Steven and Michael to make sure all is well.
- S. Richards, KY
Letting you know that the panels arrived on Wednesday and we installed them on Thursday, they look really nice and the sound in church yesterday was great, the music and everything was so much better, the sound was not bouncing all over the sanctuary.
- B. Stroyer, Assembly of God Church
We purchased your product about a month ago to install it in our small conference room. We are highly satisfied with the results and would like to purchase more Soft Sound® Acoustic Panels for our other two conference rooms.
- N. Konovalova, NY
If only all companies were run as smoothly and as efficient as Soundproofcow.com. My order of Quiet Barrier® Soundproofing Composites was small and I had several questions and money concerns. The Sales Consultant was amazing; patient, informative and delivered exactly on time. thanks!
- S. Santagatie, NY
AWESOME. Got the stuff yesterday and installed it today. I think I have about a 6-8 db reduction at the high power level compared to baseline. The only sound is coming from the exhaust port and I can build a baffled box for that I think, next project. The Roadblock R worked fine and the Quiet Barrier REALLY does a good job. Your materials at work finished product
- R. Garbe,
Your material Quiet Barrier® HD has made a dramatic improvement on our environment by reducing sound transmission.
- D. Biedermann, Proctor & Gamble, OH
Hey you guys, I really enjoy doing business with you. The Sales Consultant was just the perfect link between me and your product Quiet Barrier® HD. I sure all the sales people had the knowledge and service oriented attitude. Congratulations on an exceptional job from Mexico!!!
- J. Beltran, del Rio
Just thought I’d let you know that the installation went well, the sheetrock is up, and we’re very pleased with the results. The sound blocking of Quiet Barrier® HD is quite remarkable.
- D. Walton, CA
I want to tell you about my Soundproofcow experience. I spoke with two different people who were both very helpful and friendly. My shipment confirmation was received in the mail very quickly and the Quiet Barrier® HD was delivered shortly after. It handled during installation and performs exactly as advertised. I am a satisfied customer.
- J. Fischbein, CA
We are pleased with the results of Quiet Barrier® LD. The Sales Consultants were friendly and very helpful.
- Dr. Meng, University of New England, ME
I just wanted to say thanks for all your help and give you a little feedback on your product, Quiet Barrier® LD. I love it!!! It did just what your web site said it would. I experienced about a 75 percent reduction in noise level – just enough that I can tolerate the rest just fine. What I like about your company is that you do not overstate facts. Yes, the product works great. I am going to order two more rolls today and more as I need them. And when I build my new home, I can say for sure that your product will be built into the exterior walls. Thanks again
- B. Elliott, AL
I have to say that your product is by far superior to any that I have encountered in many years. I have worked with and around many sound proofing installations and have always been able to hear something from another area. I purchased your Quiet Batt® material for a home project and was very surprised at the results from the start. almost immediately did i feel a sound deadening in the room and the insulation factor was phenomenal. The installation was quick and easy. the only problem i found was that I ran out of material. Your customer serviced is the most pleasant that I have ever encountered both Jim and Courtney where so helpful with the few questions that I had. They were always very pleasant and respectful that it was a joy to call I almost want to call just to say hello. My final comment is keep up the great work. Oh yes one more thing I am so glad the this product is MADE IN AMERICA.
- G. Dippel, Davenport, FL
Your Quiet Batt® insulation product worked great at reducing noise transfer into a product testing room. I would recommend this product.
- R. Vaughn, Miracle Ear, NV
The shipment arrived today and half the batts Quiet Batt® are now in place on two walls and the concrete floor. Just wanted you to know that your sound deadening batts have already substantially reduced the furnace noise in the house. The noise level is really muffled and certainly not intrusive any longer… so I’m thinking I may not even install the rest of it as it needs to be suspended. Have another test to do, but we are very pleased with your recommendation so far. My guess is that since the batts are exposed inside a excessively large cold air return chamber where the air is not filtered, dust will probably accumulate over time, but with the pleated furnace filter being the next stage for air flow I’m sure the filter will trap it. If it becomes too dusty I’ll consider it a bonus and it will probably add to the noise absorbing qualities. Just kidding. As you know living in the desert southwest, people learn to live with dust, unlike Chambersburg.
- G. Palmer, AZ
The isoTRAX™ soundproofing product worked great at reducing noise transfer…and best of all, the Sales Consultants were responsive and professional. I would recommend this product and your company.
- V. Zummo, Zummo Guitars, AZ
I have owned and operated A-WARD CHARTERS, a Halibut Sport Fishing Charter in Homer, Alaska for the past 30 years. I wanted to provide an additional level of comfort for my customers so I decided to insulate the interior surfaces of the hull of my 28 foot Bertram Cruiser. I searched all over until I found SoundproofCow.com, who I contacted about my project.
The information they provided for both the selection of materials and the installation went well beyond my expectations. I purchased my original estimation of materials required which were sent immediately and arrived in perfect shape (after all I do live in Alaska). I proceeded with my project and later found more places on the boat I could access and insulate so I returned to SoundproofCow.com for more.
They listened to my particulars and suggested they provide some damaged full size material for the price of only the amount I needed, this way they told me “when I find even more places I will already have some pieces left over”. This did provide true, Thank you SoundproofCow.com
Once my project was complete I was truly amazed at the difference in both machinery sound reduction and interior acoustics. My customers and I can converse in normal tones and I can hear my machinery just enough to monitor it as a captain should. My family spent 2 nights on board in the fall and even though temperatures outside were dropping into the low 30’s we were comfortable all night without supplemental heat. I did notice I did not hear the lapping of the waves against the hull all night as before, I actually slept well.
For marine applications I can say my desire to improve my boat went way beyond expectations with insulation products from SoundproofCow.com. Thank you.
- Cpt. R. Ward, A-Ward Charters, AK
Please thank Drew and Michael for their help in figuring out what materials to use for a sound problem – the material arrived quickly via UPS. We have installed 1/2 of the room and already there is a significant difference.
- P. Mayor, FL
The times I talked with you on the telephone and corresponded through email you have been very helpful and efficient. I would highly recommend Soundproofcow.com to anyone!
- S. Cimino, PA
I have emailed a lot of different manufactures and I have to say your customer service is head and shoulders above all of them. I emailed your company at about 9pm my time and when I woke up the next morning you had already answered my question and then the follow up was a few hours later. I am impressed. Thanks a lot for the quick turn around!
- E. Gustafson, NV
I just wanted to send a quick thank you for your rapid response and helpfulness. I very much appreciated it. You have been responsive in every way all through the process. It has been a pleasure doing business with you and your company.
- T. Alexander, CA
I was impressed that someone actually understood me! I am completely satisfied with the product and service.
- Name Withheld, NY
To whom it may concern,
I had a soundproofing project to take care of in my office, and I know nothing about this process. I am skeptical of buying tangible products based on a picture on a web site. But when I called your company and spoke with a sales consultant, I was impressed with her knowledge and friendliness – so I decided to go with your company for my soundproofing project.
Thanks again for a good customer experience. I will pass your name onto any of my customers who may need your services!
- B. Spillman, PA
I would really like to thank James Baddorf for his great customer service and quick responses to my questions via email and the phone. It was sure nice to deal with a live person and not an automated machine. Keep up the good work and I will write again once it is all in place to give you feedback on the sound proof side of things.
- K Shackelford, Iowa
Sorry for the belated thank you. The panels look great. Thank for the great business experience.
- Larry,
I just wanted to let you know that in the end, sealing the air spaces on this door worked just fine and took care of the problem.
I really appreciate you taking so much time to share your expertise with me, and in particular recommending I try the simpler solution before investing in more expensive noise barriers. That is a big credit to you and your business.
- Mike,
The times I talked with you on the telephone and corresponded through email you have been very helpful and efficient. I would highly recommend Soundproofcow.com to anyone!
- Diane Davis, Trustpilot,