Things to Know When Soundproofing Metal Buildings

Things to Know When Soundproofing Metal Buildings
October 21, 2022

Metal buildings are durable, cost-effective structures for commercial or residential workshops. However, many metal buildings feature thin, hard surfaces that allow sound to pass through and reflect. If you operate loud machinery inside your metal building, you likely deal with a lot of reverberating noise, and you may receive some noise complaints from folks outside.

Fortunately, a few metal building soundproofing tactics can mitigate noise reflections and prevent sound from transferring through the walls.

Must-Know Metal Building Soundproofing Tactics

To soundproof a metal building, you’ll want to prevent the noise created inside from reflecting off of the hard surfaces. Implement the following solutions to prevent noise from getting in or out.

insulate the walls

Insulate the Walls

Insulation can keep heat in or out of a building and control sound energy. Products like Quiet Batt® Soundproofing Insulation feature dense cotton fibers that soak up sound as it attempts to pass through. Installing insulation between a metal building’s walls will contain the noise your machinery creates.

Pad the Walls

Sound reflects off of your metal building’s walls because its surfaces are hard, smooth and flat. You can prevent echoes and reverberations by determining which parts of the walls receive direct sound impact and then padding those parts with acoustic foam panels. The foam panels will absorb the sound energy before it can reflect, ensuring a quieter indoor environment.

Hang Acoustic Quilts

Acoustic quilts are heavy fabric sheets with metal rivets along the edges, which you can hang anywhere in your building. Acoustic quilts add mass, which prevents sound transmission by making it more difficult for sound energy to pass through. Their soft fibers absorb noise to prevent reflections.

Acoustic quilts work well on hard walls, but you can also use them to block open entryways that you don’t want the noise to move through.

Seal Doors and Windows

Doors and windows are common culprits for sound transmission — they leave gaps above, below or around them. You can stop noise from escaping through a metal building’s doors by installing door seals and sweeps that plug gaps. For windows, try filling cracks in the frame with acoustical sound sealant. Acoustic quilts also work well as temporary sound-blocking curtains.

Improve Your Soundproofing Strategy With Soundproof Cow

Need help soundproofing your metal building? Soundproof Cow has all the materials you need to reduce echoes and limit noise transfer. We’re also available to help you plan and execute your soundproofing project. Contact us online to discuss your project.

wave designAuthor

About Ryan Yaukey

Soundproof Cow Representative

Ryan has been with since 2013 working on many different types of commercial projects. He specializes in custom applications required by specific building codes and architects. He started in the construction industry building houses. These projects taught him how to construct a home based on standard building codes in Pennsylvania. While on college breaks, he worked on electrical, plumbing, drywall repair, and all types of property maintenance. These skills allow him to remodel portions of his own properties, as well as assist contractors, architects, and homeowners complete their soundproofing renovations successfully. In the beginning if his career at he specialized in working with flooring contractors. This experience made him very familiar with STC and IIC ratings for a variety of assemblies. These IIC-rated assemblies determine how much impact sounds transfer in condos and multicomplex facilities which can be a major nuisance. Knowledge of these ratings as well as all types of soundproofing products, have given Ryan the ability to fix customers’ noise issues. His research on all types of soundproofing and sound absorption products foreign and domestic allow him to procure and customize the correct products for a client’s specific need. Please reach out with any questions regarding soundproofing, sound absorption or the application of materials.