Your bedroom is your haven. When you come home from a hard day at work, the first place you walk towards is often your bedroom. You kick off your shoes, change into your pajamas, and click on the television to enjoy your favorite sitcom for the night. When you wrap yourself in the warmth of your covers, the last thing you anticipate is dealing with distressing noises that prevent you from fully relaxing.
Homes and condos are expensive investments, so why not guarantee they have conditions that are comfortable? While you’re in control of the sound that comes from within your bedrooms, you don’t always have complete power over the noises produced from outside — or do you?
Why to Soundproof a Bedroom
The good news is that you can, in fact, control the noise that flows into and out of your bedroom. With a few soundproofing materials, you’ll experience the serenity of silence in no time.
If you’re not quite sure how you could benefit from soundproofing, we guarantee the reasons are endless. Whether you love them or hate them, the noise your neighbors decide to produce is beyond your power. From noisy parties to loud music, you may find yourself popping earplugs in your ears on restless nights. When you soundproof your bedroom, you’ll receive the peace you deserve.
Soundproofing your bedroom lets you enjoy living in your space without causing unwanted complaints, too. Whether you have a passion for loud music or want to practice your guitar in peace, you can enjoy all of your noises at your level of comfort.
Methods for Soundproofing Your Bedroom
To soundproof your bedroom, you can use soundproofing materials on the walls, around the doors, and underneath the flooring. These are just some of the many ways you can ensure a peaceful bedroom, read on to learn more about each of these methods.
1. Soundproofing Bedroom Walls With Non-Invasive Methods
Are your walls so thin you can hear your neighbors’ every sneeze? Then consider these bedroom wall soundproofing methods.
Barriers & Sound Insulation for Bedroom Walls
Add mass to your surroundings to dampen noise production. Our Quiet Barrier® HD Soundproofing Composite is ideal for adding industrial-grade material to your walls that provides added mass while blocking out unwanted noise. You’ll notice right away the difference soundproofed bedroom walls can make. For a quicker fix, consider hanging rugs and rubber mats from your walls to alleviate the impact of unwanted sounds. They’ll assist you in abating noise.
Acoustic Panels for Bedroom Walls
If you’re looking to absorb sound and improve acoustics, acoustic panels for bedrooms can be a great solution that will also enhance the design of your space. With fabric-wrapped, custom art, and wood panel options, there are a variety of styles to choose from at Soundproof Cow that are easy to install on your walls.
2. Controlling Noise From Doors
If you have a gap at the bottom of your bedroom door, chances are good noise is seeping into — and out of — your bedroom through this opening. Consider investing in a product that will block a draft, door sweeps or seals can be installed at the bottom of your door to seal up any openings.
3. Reducing Sound Through Floors
From thudding footsteps to squeaky shrills, floors produce their own set of annoying sounds. Whether your floor is wooden or tile-lined, you’ll want to invest in a protective sheet that provides a soundproofing barrier.
Our Impact Barrier QT Flooring Underlayment offers a solution to echoes and other noise-related issues. From tile floors to stone-laying settings, this particular underlayment is non-visible with ultimate sound quality control. You should also consider investing in thicker carpets to alleviate the impact of sounds generated from walking.
4. Cutting Down Ceiling Noise
Depending on where your bedroom is located, the source of the noise can be from above. In this case, it’s helpful to cut down on impact noise, such as the pitter-patter of little feet, or airborne noise, like the sound of a TV playing.
Whether you want to preemptively plan for ceiling noise, or fix the noise from an existing ceiling system, our isoTRAX® Soundproofing System and Quiet Batt® Soundproofing Insulation can work separately or in tandem to reduce noise that is transmitting through your ceiling.
5. Stopping Outside Noises From Getting Through Your Windows
Depending on where you live, sounds from outside can be quite disruptive. This can make your bedroom less than ideal for relaxing after a long day of work, especially during rush hour.
Honking horns, blaring music from vehicles, outdoor dining establishments and trains are all sources of noise that can get into your bedroom through your windows. This can leave you wondering how to soundproof your bedroom in any way possible, but have you considered your windows?
Using double-pane windows will go a long way toward soundproofing your bedroom. The two layers of glass and the small space between them will absorb more noises from outside. They’re also more energy-efficient, so you can save money on your heating and cooling bills.
If you’re unable to install double-pane windows, other ways to soundproof a window are available. Here are some options you may want to consider:
- Seal off air gaps in your window with an acoustical sound sealant.
- Add insulation tape to the bottom of the window and the area where the sill receives the window.
- Hang thick drapes over the window to absorb some outside noises.
6. Using Furniture to Your Advantage
One of the easiest ways to soundproof your bedroom is to use existing furniture to your advantage or add more to fill in the space. Rooms with a lot of empty space have a tendency to allow sounds to bounce around and reverberate.
The more time sounds have to bounce around, the louder the bedroom will be as more sounds enter the space. Even quieter sounds can build up in an empty room with hard surfaces, especially if you have exposed hardwood floors in your bedroom.
Consider adding more soft furniture to your bedroom, like a loveseat or a couple of comfortable reading chairs. You can also set up large furniture like dressers or bureaus against the walls where the noise is coming from to help stop it in its tracks. While you’re at it, consider adding an area rug or carpeting to any exposed hardwood floor to absorb even more sound.
7. Renovating Your Bedroom for Better Soundproofing
If you want to take some extra measures to achieve better sound deadening for your bedroom, you can renovate it for some of the best results possible. One way to do this is to soundproof the walls from the inside out.
The isoTRAX® ceiling and wall systems provide needed separation between studs and drywall to keep vibrations from disturbing your bedroom sanctuary. You can also install new floors with flooring underlayment to absorb sounds in both directions.
Buy Soundproofing Products From Soundproof Cow
There’s never a better time to turn your bedroom into a sanctuary than today. To soundproof your bedroom with premium products guaranteed to last, place your order online now.